Monday, 27 August 2012

Can You Choose Your AdSense Ads?

AdSense delivers great click-throughs and high revenues for one reason: the ads are targeted to what the user wants. Google's robot picks out keywords on your page, gets a grip on what your website is about and delivers links that take users to sites that interest them.
That's great news... up to a point. As much as you want your users to click on ads that look interesting, you might not want to trust to a robot to pick those ads - and you might prefer to have ads on your page that pay the highest amount possible for each click.
But you don't get the choice. You can do lots of things to improve your AdSense revenue, from selecting the layout of your ad unit to choosing the color and size of the font, but one thing you can't do is slip into Google's database and choose the ads. If you could do that, no one would ever choose the low-paying ads.
That doesn't mean you can't do anything at all though. The fact is, some smart publishers have been noticing all sorts of interesting results after playing with their HTML code and changing some of the text on their Web page. And some of those results have been very surprising indeed.
For example, some publishers have found that placing keywords in certain positions on the page can have an immediate effect on the ads served. The owner of a site about recreation vehicles then would be able to do a little research online to find the highest paying keywords in his area and then - if he knew where those hotspots were - he could place those keywords in the right areas on the page. In addition to the usual ads about camper vans and RV's that his site would receive, the publisher could be certain that at least one of the ads was the highest paying possible. That's the sort of knowledge that's worth money in your pocket.
Why some areas of a Web page should be more important than others is a mystery well kept by Google's programmers. But some of Google's ad secrets are leaking out - and they're being snapped up by smart publishers who understand that knowledge and strategy are the key to massive AdSense revenues.

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What Are the Best AdSense Guides?

Google AdSense has been around for some time now, yet it seems that there isn't a definitive AdSense guide out there to help a new AdSense publisher take their first tentative steps in the scheme. What options are there if you had a burning interest about Google AdSense? Where could you go to get some information about how the system works?
You could go to Google's own site relating to their scheme, but in typical Google style the information given is often basic and lacks depth. Where do you go to get information about building simple AdSense websites? Where can you get information about AdSense traffic, AdSense strategies etc...
Why there hasn't been a definitive guide about Google AdSense is because the scheme changes so quickly. Like the internet itself, AdSense has gone through quite a few transformations since its inception. A definitive AdSense guide at any one moment could easily become obsolete within a few months. Google AdSense is a flexible, ever-changing scheme that is adapting at every turn to the developing and evolving internet environment.
The internet is still largely unregulated and this makes any scheme hoping to monetize web traffic difficult to control. Google have had to change their rules and regulations relating to their scheme on numerous occasions in order to keep it viable. But there are still some people who try to find ways to unfairly exploit the system for their financial gain. Google's rules and regulations will always be changing and any AdSense guide that hopes to keep pace with Google's pay-per-click scheme must be dynamic enough to keep up with the changes.
These changes often make AdSense difficult to properly get to grips with. One suggestion in a good AdSense guide could be fine in one instance, only to become obsolete in the next.
A good AdSense guide has to be comprehensive. It has to include information concerning all aspects of the scheme from the best ad formats to keyword research techniques. A good AdSense guide has to be simple to understand yet it has to have enough depth to engage the more serious AdSense publisher. There are many AdSense guidance sites on the web but you need to really look around for the best ones.
Always go to the Google AdSense website to get the latest changes to the rules and regulations and make sure you only use websites that are constantly updated with the new Google AdSense changes

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How to Validate an AdSense PIN Code After a 3 Time Request

Google AdSense will send a PIN code to all publishers when they reach an earning over 10$. Google mailed to them via post mail in order to verify the address detail of the publisher. However, it is difficult for the publisher who lives in Asia country such as India, Nepal, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, China, Vietnam etc to get the it to confirm their account. They only possible request PIN from Google three times, if they have not still gotten the PIN and verify the PIN in 6 moths Google will disable their account.
Publishers have to receive the PIN and enter it to validate the PIN verification purpose. It simply takes 3 or 4 weeks for the mail to reach the publisher. In the case, publishers don't receive the PIN code in 3 or 4 weeks, they possible request it again. Again, if they still didn't get the PIN code for the second time request, they can request it for the third time but it is the last time for them. What will you do if you don't receive the PIN code for the last time.
There is other way to confirm your account in the case you don't receive the PIN code after you request it 3 times.
First you have to log into your AdSense account and click AdSense account page then you will see link as if you have not receive your AdSense PIN yet, Contact us. By clicking that link to get information.
After that, you will be gone to a page which you have to enter your AdSense publisher ID. For your pub-ID it is at the top right corner of your AdSense account. By entering your pub-ID and submit your request. Once you already submit your request, Google team will touch you by email within 2 days. They will turn to you to provide your NIC or bank confirmation by attachment with email and send them.
Google team will email you within 2 or 3 days with subject "your AdSense Account has been validated".
Now your AdSense account has been officially validated by Google, and start earning without enter AdSense PIN code again.

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Free Blogs and Money - What is Revenue Sharing and AdSense?

Why Should I Go for Free Blog Hosting Sites?
If you surf the Net you'll end up in a lot of sites suggesting NOT to create your blog on free blog sites, especially if you want to be able to monetize it.
That is partially true.
Their good reasons are that if you don't really own the space you write on and don't have your own domain name, your blog will look "cheap" and shall have a very low profile on both search engine eyes and human ones. Plus, most of major free blogging platforms don't allow you to put your own ads on their space, cause they want to take all the profits from your efforts "to cover their costs", when in reality, they can make plenty of money out of your time and effort writing your opinions, reviews, thoughts... etc...
What these sites don't consider is one major factor that is so evident that most people don't consider: creating a blog with free sites is actually free, and you can have your very same blog with very same posts on multiple sites, increasing your overall visibility. And some of those free websites even allow you to have your ads for making profits. Why?
Google AdSense Made It Simple
Before Google created AdSense, selling ads was more complicated, and most people were too discouraged to create a free money-making account by displaying ads. Now you can easily create a Google AdSense account and obtain your pub code that you can provide to a free Revenue Sharing blog program to be automatically used to displayed ads in your new free blog. All without editing HTML pages, or writing a single line of code.
If They Let Me Earn Money, Why Are They Free?
The Keyword here is: revenue sharing. This is the new trend of successful blog hosting. You earn, they earn. Part of the profits go to them (usually Ok. How Do I Start?
  • First off, signup for a Google AdSense Account
  • Signup for free blogs that have a revenue sharing program
  • Go in your blog's dashboard and insert your code in their AdSense plugin
  • Promote your blogs and start earning money from clicks.

Final Recommendation
There are a lot of blogs out there, but a lot of posts on them are of very low quality. Some of them may be spam posts, and some of them even scams. Remember to write genuine, useful, or sincere posts about something meaningful to you or useful. You can get a lot of visitors just for being honest these days.

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Password Recovery Software - To Unzip All Files

Forgetting things is very common among the people. In today's time most people use computer for different purposes. Most people store data into their computer to make their work easier. And for safety purpose, they even use password to protect it. But what if you forget the password? It is not possible to leave the data as it is or recreate it. Definitely it is a serious cause of concern. Password recovery software is something which will help you recover your password in such situation.
This software comes in different types for different files. We can discuss some of them below. There are many people who use zip file as it takes less space to store. Basically this zip file is compressed in an archive format. There are people who compress various files together and then lock it with the password. Just for the sake of security that no other person gets to access it, they lock it with the toughest password. But there are possibilities that they tend to forget them in few days. At this time the zip password recovery software will be the only option that will help in getting back the password. As soon as you download this software, it will start searching for your zip password. Also to shorten the time, you can provide the software with certain things that you must have remembered about the password.
Another password recovery tool is the windows password recovery software. This software will efficiently help you in recovering the login passwords for windows. This software can be the true saver when you are locked out of the computer. People are likely to set password in the workplace. If the employee leaves the company he usually tells the password to another employee who will certainly work on his computer. But there are times that he tends to forget it and at such times windows recovery software becomes an essential tool for them.
Password recovery software is a necessity for all the computer users. People stores important data on their computer related to their project, job and sometimes even personal. If all this data are password protected, then it is very obvious to understand that they are highly confidential and important. If they are not available when you require them then it will certainly create a big problem. Therefore, it becomes very vital to keep this software so that you can never come in this awkward situation. Password recovery software reviews shows that this software is very user friendly.
If you are searching for the software, then internet will be the best alternate. You can browse through certain sites that will offer you this software at affordable rates. Also, you can consider the password recovery software reviews to take the correct decision. If you are trying hard to remember the password by pressurizing your mind then it is advisable to seek help of such software and avoid time wastage.

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5 Tips to Improve Your Gmail Account Security

If e-mail is one of the primary ways for you to communicate with your coworkers, friends and family then you might have heard of Google's Gmail. As defined by Google, Gmail is a free webmail service that incorporates all of the best features found in other webmail services while at the same time improving and building on new technologies to improve the user experience.
Today, Gmail is one of the largest webmail providers in the world because it is easy to set up and use however one of the things that Google has always paid a great deal of attention to is security. Everyday thousands of people have their personal information compromised and many of them don't even know it which is why it is important for you to keep in mind some basic tips in order to improve your Gmail account security, let's take a look:
This is an acronym that stands for hyper text transfer protocol with an added security sockets layer but put in simpler terms, this is a setting to prevent your information from being stolen or compromised while you are accessing your e-mail whether it be from home, a hotel or a public wireless network.
Protect your password
This is one of the most obvious ways for you to improve your account security however many people still use generic and easy to guess passwords such as "123456" and even the word "password" furthermore, make sure that your password includes both numbers and alphanumeric characters and that you never input your password after following a link which has been sent through e-mail because in most cases this is a form of phishing.
Update your browser
One of the most popular browsers used to date is the Internet Explorer browser, well over 60% of all Internet users use this browser but not many keep the software up to date which lifts them open and vulnerable to malicious web code and attacks. The best and easiest way for you to keep your browser updated is to enable regular updates from Microsoft if you're using the Internet Explorer browser. If on the other hand you are using Firefox then you will always get a pop up indicating the new version has been released, don't ignore this message and perform the update.
Change your password every three or four months
While this is something that not many people do it is important that you change your password if you want to keep your information secure. Changing your password as often as every 3 to 4 months ensures that your data doesn't get compromised and that any unauthorized access will get it eventually blocked. Firefox as well as Google chrome, with a built-in password manager but if you don't want to keep your passwords within the browser then a really good option is to use an application such as Roboform, Last Pass Password manager or 1Password for Mac.
Scan your computer against viruses and Malware
If you are one of those people who love using "Smileys" and "Emoticons" on your chat and web applications then make sure that in order to access such content you're not downloading an executable program because this is how spyware, viruses and malware get installed in your system. There are many free options that you can use in order to detect and block most suspicious programs and files.
If you want a free antivirus then Avira "Antivir" or Avast are two of the best options, two great anti-spyware programs are SpyBot as well as Ad-Aware and last but not least you may choose between Comodo or Zone Alarm for your firewall.

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Copyright Registration

We often receive enquiries about how to apply for copyright protection, and many people are surprised to learn that in fact they do not need to apply at all. Copyright subsists automatically in literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works, films, sound recordings, and the typographical arrangement of published editions. Literary works are taken to include computer programs, databases, and other compilations.
Although there is no formal registration process in the UK, there are some steps which may be taken to ensure that you are able to protect your work against copyists, and increase the likelihood of successful action against an infringer. Firstly, it is useful to assert that the work is copyright, stating the owner of the copyright and the date.
© Your Company Name 2012
By making the above statement, it will be practically impossible for anyone copying this article to argue that they were not aware that copyright existed in the work, making the defence of "innocent infringement" unavailable. Note that it is important to include the date. Since copyright only subsists for a limited time, it might be possible that a person would reasonably believe that the copyright in an undated work had expired.
As well as asserting copyright in your work, it is sensible to keep good records of when works were created and updated. If you can provide objective evidence of how and when the works were created, then this will make successful enforcement more likely in the future. Some unofficial copyright registration services exist, and claim to assist with providing this evidence. However, it is difficult to advise the use of such services, since obtaining a registration will only really prove that you had access to a copy of the work on a particular date. Sending a copy of the work to yourself by recorded delivery and not opening the envelope is likely to produce exactly the same level of evidence. Even better would be a complete and dated record of drafts and source material.
It may also be sensible to consider how you can prove that an infringer has actually copied. Copyright protects only against copying so, if an alleged infringer can argue that they created their work independently and without reference to yours, then they will not be liable. Clearly an exact reproduction of a substantial portion of text would be prima facie evidence of copying, but where changes have been made it may be more difficult to prove that copying has taken place. For certain types of work, it may be possible to set 'traps' for a possible future infringer. In a computer program, for example, making deliberate misspellings of some words within the source code would not affect the operation of the program or necessarily be apparent to a user. However, if a similar program appeared in which the spelling errors were the same, it would be more difficult for the accused infringer to convincingly argue that they had not copied.
In the United States, copyright subsists automatically as in the United Kingdom. However, unlike the UK, the US government does provide an official registration service. Registering a work with the copyright office of the Library of Congress affords certain advantages if copyright needs to be enforced in the United States. It is also likely that a Library of Congress registration would provide the same, if not better, evidence of ownership than an unofficial registration service in any jurisdiction.
If you would like further advice on protecting your work, or are interested in registering your copyright in the US, please get in touch. Initial basic advice is always free-of-charge.

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Sunday, 26 August 2012

How to Increase Your Adsense Revenue

If you're a webmaster, you've probably heard about Google's Adsense. Perhaps you're even earning from it already. This article will show you a method to increase your AdSense revenue dramatically.
Google's AdSense allows webmasters to place links from Google's AdWords advertisers on their webpages by inserting a special code. When a visitor clicked on a link, the webmaster gets a cut of the profit Google made from the advertiser. The unique feature about AdSense is that the links it generates on your webpage are relevant to your page content. Thus, your keywords and topics become very important determinant for the type of links that will appear on your webpage.
There are only two factors that determine how much a webmaster can make from Adsense. The first factor is the number of visitors who click on the links. The more people who clicked on the links, the more you make. Naturally, this means that the more targeted traffic to the website, the more you'll make. This is where most webmasters focus their efforts on.
The second factor is the value of the links they clicked on. Here's where you can make a great difference to your earnings from AdSense and is our focus in this article.
Let's take a look at how this works:
Suppose you have 1000 visitors to your website and you get 2% conversion, that is 20 people clicked on your AdSense links. Let's assume that your AdSense links pay you only 50 cents per click. So you earn $10 dollars.
Now let's see how much this same traffic will make for you if your AdSense links pay you $5 per click. For the same number of clicks, you make $100 dollars. That's a ten-fold increased in revenue!
Well, that makes sense, you said, but how am going to determine what type of links appear on my webpages?
Good questions!
Here's where you'll need to do a little research and here's a tool to help you do just that.
Go over to and you'll get a tool that shows you how much each keyword is worth. While this tool is for Overture's keywords, we can safely assume that this reflects the keyword values for Googles AdWords as well. Once you've found the keywords with high monetary values, you can optimize your webpages for them. This will increase your chances of having these high value keyword links appearing on your webpages.
Some people have actually made extensive researches on Google's top paying keywords and found that one or two keywords are worth almost $100! However, generally most keywords are valued at between 50 cents and $5 dollars. Some keywords like "internet marketing" may fetch up to $7 dollars and "mortgage" pays up to $10 dollars

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Email Marketing Tips

We've come up with 10 email marketing tips with which you can get the most value of every dollar you spend with online marketing. Email marketing provides you the opportunity to connect and build trust with your prospects and customers. It is a low-cost and cost-efficient method to advertise your business to prospective and existing customers.
Every well-created and designed email plays a major role in generating profit; thereby maximizing your return of investment. Therefore, you should definitely take these email marketing tips into consideration:
1. Decide on what you want to convey to your prospective and existing customers. All of your emails should have a unifying message that lets them know exactly what action you want them to take regarding your products and services.
2. In discussing the products and services you offer in your email message, it is much better to talk about the benefits instead of the features. Features merely talk about the product; while benefits tackle the exact advantage that your customers can get from availing your products.
3. Be customer-focused. Don't use pronouns such as 'I', 'me' and 'us'. Instead, use 'you' as it makes the reader the main subject of the email.
4. Include a call-to-action message in your email such as Order Today, Sign Up Now, or Contact Us Today. Make it clear and convincing.
5. Make use of scarcity messages such as "limited edition", "first 50 orders" or "available only today" to prompt them to take action immediately.
6. In creating the email content, make it short and simple, yet very convincing. Adhere to rules of organization and coherence while writing the introduction, the body and the conclusion. The offer should be visible both in the introduction and conclusion; and make the entire message immediately visible in the email; so the customer won't have to scroll down to see the rest of the email.
7. The subject description of the email should be interesting enough to be opened by the reader. Quit using ordinary and common subject lines as this; stand out with it by using attention-grabbing lines as they often make or break your business email. Make use of subjects such as: disconnection notice, do a spam check and the likes... You get the idea!
8. Check and review your emails before sending them! Make sure that all the information are correct and the links in the email are functional. Have them rechecked by 2 other people to increase accuracy and objectivity.
9. It would be best to send the emails between 11 in the morning to 3 in the afternoon; from Monday to Thursday, to ensure optimal response from customers; especially those working in the office. Always be prepared to answer inquiries and process orders quickly; if you can't for some reason, make sure to at least acknowledge or confirm the order.
10. Evaluate the results after sending the emails. Measure the extent of response or the sales generated. Identify best practices as well as areas for improvement, so that you'll know how to make the most of your email marketing campaign.
With these tips, you surely will be able to generate the most email marketing benefits that you can ever imagine. You can utilize email software such as Afmailer to assist you in the process. It provides you with the things you need to formulate, send and monitor your emails. It's time to go and try email marketing. Being the most effective online marketing strategy, it's definitely worth the investment. You have absolutely nothing to lose and so many email marketing benefits to gain

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Google AdWords Pay Per Click

Google AdWords Pay-Per-Click has changed all we know about direct marketing because it has driven direct affiliate marketing to the next level of selling on steroids. The ramp can be quantified to speeds of 10x, 20x even 100 times over the old mail order days. Today, you can test ideas in minutes, ideas that you would use hundreds of thousands of dollars in the past to test. Now you do it for tens or hundreds only, using Google AdWords Pay-Per-Click. Google AdWords affiliate marketing was the first to create Pay-Per-Click advertising.
Direct marketing has not died as many of us would believe. You will find examples of direct marketing in all forms of media - radio, television, magazines, newspapers and even on the internet. The greatest obstacle to direct marketing is that unlike in Google AdWords Pay-Per-Click, it takes more time and patience to test the marketing strategy. When you advertize in a magazine, you hardly get any feedback on an ad in less than a month. AdWords management, on the other hand, gives you test results on a product in minutes. This can and does take over 90% of the risk of starting a new business or starting a new product.
On the Internet, you could place items in front of internet users and weigh their responses before developing the product. The response you get in your Pay-Per-Click marketing campaign will usually be similar to the response you would get in any other media...which gives you a handle on the system, for chicken feed compared to offline methods of market testing.
When Google AdWords Pay-Per-Click is your advertising medium, you need to learn the ropes without spending yourself to oblivion. AdWords management naturally becomes a necessary crash course. Pay-Per-Click advertising is no passing cloud: it is here to stay. The arrangement in which you pay the search engine for every browser sent to your webpage, or any other webpage in which you have a vested interest, is the most important development in advertising during this century.
The buzz on the Internet is traffic. You need traffic on your webpage-- traffic to convert to your cause, traffic to vote for you, traffic to sell something to--or you would not have it in the first place. But the most important reason for needing traffic is to monetize it, at least in the case of the Google AdWords Pay-Per-Click.
The easiest way of getting that traffic is to pay for it. The search engines are there to sell it to you. More importantly, they can help you by attracting website traffic for your advertisement. In Google AdWords Pay-Per-Click, the principle of direct marketing is improved vastly by virtue of three potent concepts:
1) You only advertise to people who want your product
2) You only pay when internet users click through to your website
3) Price is determined by real-time auction based on an up-to-date market value
There you are: you only get to flaunt your ware to people interested in it. Advertising in the proper way and maximizing the Click-Through-Rate vis a vis what you pay for it (in the giant auction of cost-per-click bazaar) is not easy for the novice. The learning curve can be steep, frustrating, and expensive. That is where Google AdWords Pay-Per-Click can be highly effective.

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13 SEO Tips

1. Keyword Essentials:
The most significant aspect of creating keywords for your website is that you must begin the process by doing adequate research. Be sure to take advantage of any types of free tools or services, which may be at your disposal. A good example of this would be the Google AdWords tool. You might also want to consider using a portion of your advertising budget to pay for some more comprehensive programs.
It's important to note that keyword density is considered to be obsolete these days. It's imperative that you do your best to include them naturally within the text of your website while ensuring that you're not doing this to the excess.
2. Create an outstanding URL:
There are quite a few things that you must do in order to create an outstanding URL. From the start, you need to choose a domain name that is relatively short which also includes your most valuable keyword phrase. Hyphens are allowed and acceptable but you should refrain from adding any more than two.
When it comes to individual pages naming, be sure to include a highly relative keyword. Do your very best not to use any session ID's or other dynamic and database variable URL's.
3. Utilize Longtail Keywords:
Longtail keywords offer the highest impact on search engine rankings. These typically consist of a minimum of three words. If you're able to come up with some that are intrinsically related to your specific industry, it will knock the competition right out! In addition, any traffic that is drive to your site as a result will be much more relevant which means a better end result.
4. Utilize Latent Semantic Indexing:
Latent semantic indexing, commonly referred to as LSI, is the process in which you include related phrasing and keywords with your main phrases in an effort to elevate your site's ranking within the various search engines. For example, if your site sells shoes, you would include other related words such as heels, pumps, sandals and boots. This would, in turn, help to elevate your rankings within the search engines. This would also ensure that your site doesn't come across as any type of spam since you wouldn't be using the same old keywords again and again.
5. Make your Internal Links count:
Often times, most websites forget to use their internal links properly and that puts them at a disadvantage from the very beginning. It's an extremely simple way to ensure that each and every one of your pages score a better targeted ranking within all of the various search engines. Ensure that you include ever page's most targeted keyword or phrase within internal links, which are pointing to it. Additionally, make sure to always reference any of your other pages with links within your sites content as appropriate.
6. Invest in PPC:
A PPC campaign is the absolute fastest way to see immediate results from your advertising dollars. Begin your campaign using all of the keyword research that you've done previously. Start small! PPC costs can skyrocket if you're not familiar with how it works. Play around with different style ads. Use varying strategies and keywords until you see some definitive results. Only then should you begin running bigger campaigns.
7. Optimize any Images used:
It's crucial that you use an ALT tag for all of your images that describes in detail what the actual image consists of. Use targeted keywords and phrases for maximum impact. This will ensure that those who are not able to see images will still have an understanding of what is in that location. This also ensures that you can be found within image-based searches. In addition, do your best to name your images using a keyword within the actual filename.
8. Optimize the Title Tag:
Don't fool yourself. You can't just put anything in your title tag and expect it to be sufficient. If you think that, you can't possibly be any further from the actual truth. The page title offers an outstanding opportunity to increase your ranking while also attracting people to your site.
Your title tag should be no more than 70 characters long. Keep it short, simple and to the point. Additionally, make sure that every single page has it's own specific title. Do your best to include your targeted keywords into the title and try to be extremely descriptive.
9. META Tag Insight:
Be aware that the META keywords tag isn't used by Google for ranking anymore, although some of the other engines might still be using it. Most importantly are the META description tags and title. Make sure to limit your title to 70 characters or less and ensure that your META description is 160 characters or less. If you go over that, the various search engines will simply cut it off. Always remember to utilize your targeted keywords in your META tags.
10. Do NOT do - Building Links:
For the most part, many people do all of the wrong things when it comes to building links for their site. Please, do NOT buy links or engage in a "link farm." Those are two of the worst things you could possibly do. Do your best to avoid any low quality directories that could be construed as "spam." Blog commenting, link exchanging and posting on various forums are not as valuable as they once used to be. Additionally, it looks extremely unnatural if you were to suddenly have thousands of links within the span of a few short days. Remember, it's quality versus quantity.
11. What to do - Building Links:
The best thing to do would be to submit your links to respected directories such as Best of the Web, as well as DMOZ. Try to focus on creating links to others within your own industry or niche. This will definitely improve your reputation within the community. Do your best to use unique content that can serve as bait for your website. These days, social networks can be highly beneficial.
12. Don't dismiss Canonicalization:
It's imperative that you ensure that your pages are not being counted more than one time. This will confuse all of the search engines and possibly impact your tracking statistics. Make sure to use 310 redirects to transport pages to one homepage and fix all issues with the rest of your pages as well.
13. HTML is best:
Other program languages such as JavaScript aren't searchable in search engines and so they are of no benefit to you. Make sure that you use only HTML so that you are automatically increasing your page rank. Don't ever overcomplicate your site by using lots of frames, forms or code types that are unsearchable.

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Internet Marketing Promotion Strategies - Increase Traffic to Your Website

The Internet marketing promotion strategies you implement for your website have a great role at determining the amount of targeted traffic your site generates. There's no room for negligence when you are competing in a global marketplace. By systematically and methodically advertising your site using these techniques, you will slowly build a base of loyal visitors to your site and business.
Use the help of emails
Emails are a great way to market to website visitors repeatedly. They especially are effective at generating repeat visits among your website guests. This can be done by creating an opt-in list on your website - it works best to offer a free gift or special to entice visitors - and then sending out a regular newsletter to the people on your list.
Providing unique promotions that benefit your website visitor in some way or the other is another tactic you can take to get visitors interested in your business.
Encourage visitors to do business with you
Try to make your guests and users encourage others to visit and do business with you. This can be done by implementing a few simple tools. Social media works particularly well, but there are other ways to encourage it as well.
There are buttons that allow visitors to email a friend, bookmark your site, share your articles via Facebook or pin something on Pinterest. All of these methods help your website get repeat business and/or referrals as friends share your information.
Create a call to action
Another effective Internet marketing strategy is to give a clear call to action on your site. Often this is a button that invites visitors to act. For example, it might read, "Click to schedule a free consultation." This works well because it encourages the website visitor to act while your latest promotion is fresh in their mind.
You can use graphics to position this call to action front and center, rather than relying on your website visitors to seek out the contact page on their own.
Regular reviewing and updating of your site
Make sure your website has clear and relevant information that your customers and visitors want. Visitors use the web to find fresh information and merchandise. So it is only if you constantly review and update your site that website visitors will return to learn about new things you have to offer

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Increase Traffic Flow With PPC

There are many different services available to help you enhance the traffic flow to your website, the two main ones are search engine optimisation (SEO) and pay per click (PPC).
Search engine optimisation works with the organic listings of the search engines and with the techniques and methods in place a website will increase in ranking which will lead it to an increase in traffic flow.
Pay per click is very different to this in that it is in the paid listings as an advertisement. What makes this different to other advertisements is that it offers a much higher return on investment (ROI). If you were to place an advert on the TV or radio not only would you be paying for it in advance but you would not be guaranteed traffic to your website for that money, this is often a much more costly way of advertising your website. PPC guarantees that you only pay when you receive traffic to your website this is because you pay for your advertisement each time it is clicked on and someone is linked through to your website. You do not need to worry about any one draining your account because the search engines will recognise if a lot have clicks have come from the same place and will not charge you for them all as it will be obvious to them that this is not someone who is interested in your website.
Managing a PPC campaign is not difficult when you get PPC management services in place, with a PPC manager you can be assured that your campaign will be run correctly to give you the very best chance of gaining traffic through your advertisement. A PPC manager will be able to help you set up your campaign, they will help you decide how much you wish to spend on your campaign along with helping you choose which keywords to target and use within your advertisements. Your PPC advertisement will be displayed on the right hand side of the search engine in the paid listings while the organic listings take up the majority of the page.
You can try and run your own PPC campaign, but without the help from the experts it is easy to make mistakes especially with choosing your keywords for example no shop should use the keyword 'shop' or 'store' on its own, there are hundreds of different results which could appear and your advertisement may appear to someone who isn't interested in what you are looking for which means you are spending money on a visitor who is not interested in what you offer. If you choose your keywords wisely such as 'shoe store London' or 'shoe shop London' you have a much higher chance of having the traffic you want to target directed to your website.
By choosing the right keywords you can reach your target market without having to aim your advertisement at a wide range of different audiences which is required for TV and radio advertisements. With TV and Radio advertisements you have no idea who the audience will be and so you need to generalise your advertisement so that it will catch the attention of the general audience as long as your target market, this is why PPC advertising is of a much bigger benefit for you. There is a much bigger chance and a greater amount of traffic directed to your website when you have PPC in place rather than using the more traditional advertising methods such as TV and radio, making it a more financially viable way of advertising your company.

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5 Mistakes That Can Lead To Ban Of Your AdSense Account

A lot of webmasters nowadays using a Google AdSense program to monetize their websites.
When I analyzed about 200 websites, I found that about 65% of them are violating AdSense TOS.
So, what mistakes can lead you to ban and possibility of losing your AdSense account and earnings?
1. Placing an ad block right below a web page's title
I've seen this mistake on more than 140 web sites. This placement will guarantee that you will be contacted by AdSense team. You will get a warning from them and should change your page within 72 hours. It's better to act fast.
The solution is simple. Just write a short paragraph of text between a title and ad block and you're done.
2. Images near ads
This is a surefire way to raise your CTR and loose your AdSense account. Google doesn't like when an user is forced to click on ads by some pretty image.
Again, just separate images and ads with some text and you're done.
3. Clicking on your own ads
That's stupid. Really. Google has hordes of the best minds writing code for them. And their tracking algos can easily detect such behaviour.
Never ever do it. Period.
4. Using AdSense on pages with copyrighted/plagiarized content
The same rule will apply. You have 24 hours to remove content from a site. Sometimes it happens when a lazy webmaster is using scraping programs to post content on a blog/page.
5. Placing too much ad blocks on a page
This will not lead you to immediate ban. And, frankly speaking, I never heard that Google banned someone for this. But it will reduce your earnings a lot.
The more ads you have on a page, the more advertisers will be displayed, including the lowest paying ones. So, an optimal amount of ad blocks is 2-3 per page. This way you will earn more and not be looking amateur

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3 Adsense Tips To Dramatically Increase CTR

Here are three AdSense Tips, together with the required HTML code, to dramatically increase CTRs and Google AdSense revenue.
1. Correct HTML Code to Include Images or Graphics Above An AdSense Leader Board Block:
Expert SEO Forums have been abuzz over a new AdSense tip which has seen a dramatic increase in CTR's.
Many webmasters have reported increases over 400 percent after adding four images, expertly positioned horizontally over a 4 block AdSense Leaderboard, with no border.
I don't see any reason why this would not work on smaller blocks, but you would have to alter the following HTML accordingly.
Here is the HTML code you should use to align the images directly over the ads -- please be cautioned, so as not to breach Google's TOS, you should not use any other text around these images, apart from the required AdSense code:
[table cellspacing="0" width="728" border="0" cellspadding="0"]
[td width="182"][img src="X" /][/td]
[td width="182"][img src="X" /][/td]
[td width="182"][img src="X" /][/td]
[td width="182"][img src="X" /][/td]
[td colspan="4"]
NOTE: Please do change all [ ] brackets above, to the required HTML brackets .
Here is one of the relevant threads at SEO forums that has a clear "graphic" example, with before and after pictures clearly depicting how to add these images:

2. Maximize Google AdSense CTRs using the Competitive Ad Filter to exclude low-paying Blog related URL's:

Have you ever had days where 50 clicks would pay you the grand total of $1.50 - well that's the combined power of 3 cent clicks or low-paying Blog related ads. working against you.

3. Adding a Double Block of Large Rectangle AdSense Blocks at the End of each Post or Webpage
A number of the high-trafficked blogs, add a double block of 336x380 "Large Rectangle" blocks at the very end of a Post or Webpage, just as the visitor is about to leave.
Makes sense - a visitor is about to leave, and has one of two choices:
(a) visit another page on the site, or
(b) click on a high "paying" Google AdSense ad, prior to leaving the site
Serving them with a wide-choice of AdSense ads in the format which is statistically proven to have the best CTR, is an obvious choice. Trialling this placement has made a dramatic improvement in CTRs for the Marketing Defined blog.
So go ahead, use these 3 AdSense Tips to make a dramatic increase in your CTR's.

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Quick AdSense Account Approval Tips

AdSense is the bloggers gold mine as said by most of the professional bloggers online. There are some professional bloggers who earn around 5000 to 10,000$ online from AdSense. For US bloggers, AdSense is one of the highest paying blog advertising sites in Internet. It is hard to get an AdSense approval if you are new to blogging and have a domain, but once you have developed some quality content, your AdSense account will be approved very easily.
How to get AdSense account
AdSense account is approved by Google. You need to register with Google or should apply with your Gmail or yahoo account. Once you have an approved account with AdSense, you are ready to place ads with Google. Recently there have been a change in AdSense policies as the new AdSense publishers cannot earn from AdSense right away.
New AdSense Accounts would be reviewed thoroughly prior to approval. This new step decreases the new applications for AdSense which try to earn money from day one.
Tips to get your AdSense approval
Some tips to get a quick AdSense account approval are given below:
Don't apply with fake name:
It is always advisable to apply AdSense account with your real name and with Gmail account in which your mobile number is verified. This helps Google to quickly verify your account. Some people try to apply for AdSense with fake name and applying with other countries address. Accounts such as these are never approved.
Give website or blog with quality content and no plagiarism
When you are applying for an account for AdSense, you need to give contact details and also your website address where you place Google AdSense ads. This is an important part for the approval process. Only submit sites which have quality and unique content and indexed by Google.
Have rich content
Google generally approves sites that have rich content and having content which is very useful for readers. Generally sites with latest technologies, how to articles, presentations and videos are easily approved for Google AdSense.
Don't submit adult oriented content
To get an AdSense account approval for adult oriented sites is very difficult. If you are applying for AdSense account for Google for these sites, they are least approved.

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What Is Blogging Software?

Let's face it, most of us like to launch into things head first, and really what's the harm in that? It's good to take the initiative, strike while the iron is hot, and go while your muse is around, right? This seems to get especially bad when you're in the domain of the internet, such an easy and free source to strike out on your own, it's hard not to just start whipping up a blog with all the gusto you can muster. While that's all nice, it may pay off in your future research to thoroughly grasp what "blogging software" is, just so that you can understand discussions and what-not about it later.
Blogging software, or more properly, weblog software, is software made with the specific intent of helping you write, and maintain a blog. The most easily recognizable amongst these would be WordPress to the uninitiated. However, many other companies and websites provide such software, some that you might not even think of as such, such as Facebook or Live Journal.
So Rebecca, you might be saying, that's nice and all, but what is it good for, and why do I want it? Well one of the most obvious reasons comes to light in the other names of blogging software: Blogging platform, or blog host.
As the websites like Facebook may have tipped you off to, blogging software is almost universally offered by websites who would also host your blog. So now while some of us may be able to run their own servers and program their own website, the vast majority are going to have to piggy back off of a hosting service, and a lot of the prominent ones will have their own, or a third party blogging software to put all you need in one place.
More than simply getting you some place to simply dump your blog, these are what help you get most of the bells and whistles added on as well. Things like people's abilities to leave comments, and feedback also run through the weblog software. So now that you got the gist of it, you're good to go and research the one you want for your own blog

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How to Write AdSense Articles That Make Visitors Click

When consumers need information about nearly any type of product or service, Google provides one of the leading sources of information worldwide. By effectively using AdSense and writing unique and positive AdSense articles, marketers can generate massive amounts of traffic to their websites.
Professional Writing
The first step in creating AdSense articles that will generate clicks and revenue is to ensure that the content is written professionally. When consumers search for information, they generally only take a few seconds to peruse the article in front of them before moving onto another source-especially if the article is too long or does not provide enough pertinent information. In order to keep readers interested and inclined to click the links on the page, marketers should be sure that their articles are of moderate length and are packed full of information that interests readers. This way, the likelihood of the reader clicking on a link is enhanced and the marketer is able to make more money.
Link Bulk Articles Together
While this may seem like a difficult process due to the sheer number of AdSense articles required, it is almost always a flawless strategy. For instance, if the primary AdSense articles are about cooking, it will benefit the marketer to write or purchase bulk articles that cover all of the different aspects of cooking. This may include kitchen design, appliance types, dietary requirements, popular grocers and markets, cookware and more. Once all of the articles have been written, the marketer can link them together on AdSense; consumers will be presented with plenty of options for finding the information they need, all of which will be provided by the same website and feature the same ads.
Provide Opportunities to Click
Finally, aside from providing dozens of professionally-written articles that are all linked together in order to gain the maximum effect, marketers should remember to provide their readers with plenty of opportunities to click. Although inserting the website address every few lines can obviously become overkill, it is perfectly acceptable to include hyperlinks once or twice within a 300 to 500 word article in an effort to generate traffic. As a matter of fact, as long as it is done humbly, marketers can even include the name of their personal website within the AdSense articles. Readers who are forced to search for links for more than a few seconds are likely to move on to the next set of articles.
Generating clicks with AdSense articles is not as difficult as it may seem; it merely requires a bit of know-how on the marketer's part. By writing or purchasing professional articles for use on AdSense and providing readers with plenty of opportunities to click, AdSense articles can be a great way to generate money and website traffic

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What Is Google AdSense and How Does It Work?

What Is Google AdSense and How Does It Work?

If you think about the world wide web many years back, you'll see that advertising and marketing was carried out in a manner that appeared to be similar to other kinds of media including television, or even actually, similar to what you would observe inside a newspaper. When you would go to a website, inside a specific area you'd see a banner ad for a company that's spending money on advertisements on the website.
There was a single serious problem with this particular type of advertising. These advertisements had been irrelevant more often than not. As an example you would search an internet site for clothes and you would certainly see a banner that promotes an automobile. While you may at some later stage need to purchase a car, right now you are looking for clothes. It might have been great if the banner was advertising outfits, simply because you'd have clicked on it. Therefore, the issue was you were not acquiring relevant advertisements.
Well, that's exactly the issue Google considered, therefore they created a fantastic solution. There solution was Google AdSense, which is recognized as a targeted advertising system.
Now, all you (the webmaster/website owner) should do is actually put aside some space on your internet site. After that, sign up for the Google AdSense program, and include a small bit of code to your site, and Google makes sure that in the area you designate, an advertisement will show up highly relevant to your website's content.
Maybe you are wondering how will Google find relevant advertisements. It is rather easy for Google to achieve this simply because Google is a search engine company. Google locates relevant ads by finding the keywords on your own webpages. Then they place them through a database of web sites to find the most relevant ones to yours and there you go: a targeted ad. You (the website owner) get money for each and every website visitor that mouse clicks the AdSense advertisement on your own website. You will get more clicks using the AdSense ad as opposed to the standard banner ad, simply because the AdSense ad relates to your own articles and your readers care more about an ad that relates to the articles on your web site they're taking a look at. This also does wonders to those who are advertising, and it is for the same reason. The greatest asset of the Google AdSense program is the fact that all of the advertisements are usually relevant with your online site's written content.
This relevancy is the key to the program's success, as well as the reason everyone remains happy. The advertiser has a relevantly placed advertisement, the publisher generates funds from from their own written content and Google will take their cut.Undoubtedly, bear in mind, Google has arranged several high specifications for its, AdSense program, regarding physical appearance and also performance. There's a limit of 2 banner ads Therefore, an additional gain is the fact that AdSense advertising is much less obstructive compared to normal advertising.
So ultimately, Google AdSense is definitely an advertising program which is special because the advertisements are strongly related to the content material on the website. Anybody who really wants to advertise makes use of Google AdWords, having to pay Google. Anybody who wants to place advertisements on their own site use Google AdSense, getting paid by Google during this process.
All transactions are run through Google. You receive your initial paycheck once you get to the $10 minimum and from there on Google sends you a check at the end of every month. The marketers (AdWords) as well as publishers (AdSense) get access to data which help them comprehend and moderate the potency of their advertising campaign. When working with AdSense you also want to possess an Google Analytics account for your own web sites because it provides much more statistics on which pages you are getting the most clicks, and so on. The entire process is simple as well as effective and it's one of the reasons why Google is recognized for their innovation as well as new thinking.

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